ST 24 M

Original price was: $200.00.Current price is: $120.00.

Server Management Services

Let us take care of your servers 24/7/365. Get rid of all the hassles of server management. Our server management services include server hardening, 3rd party software installations, 24/7 server monitoring, reboot assistance, server migrations, backup configuration – by entrusting the management of your with SupportSages Few of our core expertise is listed below,
  • Operating Systems – Linux / Windows / FreeBSD / Solaris
  • Web Server Management – Apache / lighttpd / Nginx / LiteSpeed / Zeus
  • Database Server Management – MySQL / postgreSQL / Oracle
  • Virtualization – OpenVZ / Xen / VMWare / Qemu
  • Proactive Server Monitoring
  • Proactive Security Update Services
  • Security auditing
  • Account / Server / Datacenter migration
  • Mail server management – Sendmail / Qmail / Exim / PostFix
  • Control panels – cPanel / Plesk / DirectAdmin / Virtuozzo / HyperVM / LXA etc
  • Spam & Abuse management
  • DNS server management – BIND / djbdns / tinydns
  • Disaster Management- 911 service
  • Hacked Server- Forensics & Recovery

Per Hour

24/7/365 On Demand Support starts from just $10!! We charge in 15 minutes slots or on an hourly basis. Many a time, a software/script installations or configurations won’t take more than 15 minutes. We have different levels of support as well, L1, L2 and L3. Do check out our time based plans, listed below.

Server Administration – 15 Min.
Server Administration – 30 Min.
Server Administration – Hourly
DevOps Tasks – Hourly
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